Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bloggin' N Bathroomin' Before Breakfast

So, woke up a little while ago, looked around for some jobs, nothing really I'm qualified to apply for. It's times like these I have to say I wish I would've listened to my parents when I was a kid and stayed in school and got a degree. I prolly wouldn't be out of work right now.

I did go up to Carl's Jr/Green Burrito the other day (another one of those places like Ralph's with extremely excellent customer service) and I saw a Costco up there, so, I'm planning on applying there today. I'm really dragging my feet on the temp agency thing cause I'd really like to have a job with benefits. My gf, the job she has now is thru a temp agency, and, she doesn't have benefits. It's one of the things I miss about working for that heartless drug chain, is that I actually had benefits and the ability to go to the doctor if need be.

So, yeah, will prolly apply at that Costco, and maybe I can get a job there, it's about the only retail store I haven't applied to within 10 mile radius of where I'm living now.

After I finish taking care of business (my colon's workin' overtime) I'm gonna prolly make some breakfast. Looking forward to some sausage and maybe some pancakes. My gf's mother bought her and her sister a new instant grill kinda thing for christmas. It's pretty awesome, the problem is the company is kinda stupid. It's on a decline from back to front, so when you cook stuff, the grease and oils flows OFF the grill into a resivor and into a little bucket draw that attaches to underneath.... pretty cool, but they are dumb because, on the box, they showed... bacon, sasuage... AND EGGS. With the decline, the eggs don't sit FLAT and run off.... kinda dumb because there is NO PIECE to sit the grill level. You would think that the would've built something INTO the legs so when you were making eggs or pancakes you could pull it down, and it would sit flat.

Anyways, 2 Powerade caps fixed that problem.

But, yeah, looking forward to some sliced sausage more than some pancakes. Something smells bad in this bathroom, and NOT what you think it would be. I'm in the downstairs bathroom, and, it smells like fabric softner, but its SO overpowering it's almost making my eyes water. Its pretty heinous.

Anyways, maybe I'll apply for Costco previous to breakfast. Already a bit depressed about not being able to find much on Monster and Indeed. At least if I apply, I'll feel like I actually accomplished something today.