Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Still Here....

So I finished the previous doody or dooDEES post, and, I assumed I'd be off my Porcelain Throne by now. Not happening, which, isn't very pleasant since I took 4 Sleep Aid pills before so I could pop on my mp3 player, and pass out while listening to my meditation mix. Was looking forward to listening to the score for the movie Sunshine and relaxing.

As an adendum to the last entry, "Is It Doody Or DooDEES"?, I'm now wondering what does diarreah fall under?

ANYWAYS, I was just not thinking about one of the best differences between living in Southern California's Inland Empire and New York's Long Island... the people in the retail store out here seem to have WAY better attitudes when helping you.

Before I Cooked diner earlier, I had to run down the street to Ralph's. It's a food store out here I didn't have the pleasure to shop at in NY. I choose to shop there cause, well, LOL, if anyone has seen "The Big Lebowski", it gets not only a mention, but the opening "dude" scene takes place there, everytime I go in, i get a nice chuckle cause I think about "The Big Lebowski", anyways, I ran down to the Ralph's to pick up what I was asked to cook for dinner. Mac and Cheese and some hotdogs... Also got some Smoked Sausage and a Smoked Kielbasa. I miss homemade kielbasa, theres an amazing place on Long Island to get it called Rapacki's. One of the things I'll go and purchase and fly back home with the next time I go home for a visit.

OH and EVERYTHING I bought was on sale. I'm running out of money, so whatever I can do to conserve, the sausages were a "treat" for me, but, the Mac and Cheese was 50 cents a box!!! What a FAT DEAL!!!!

But, the Ralph's I go into, EVERYONE that works there has such a wonderful attitude. In NY, when you go into a retail store, everyone has such a horrible attitude. These people out here seem genuienly happy to take a few minutes out of their day to answer a question, or to have a nice word when ringing me up. one of the ladies even told me I had fastly become one of her favorite customers since I always have a smile on my face. I told her that its REAL easy to have that smile when the customer service at the store is so amazing.

It makes the harder things a little easier, and, makes things like running to the store a pleasure when you KNOW your going to get wonderful service with a smile. I know my gfs dog Holly appreciate this too, as, one of Hollys favorite things is going for a car ride. Holly is a very meticulous dog. She takes her time with everything she does. The only 2 times she really gets excited is when were going for a walk or a car ride. Its so funny, I've been out here about 2 months, I decided when I'm going on shorter car rides, I'll bring Holly. By the third time I jingled my keys where she could see, she learned that meant a Car ride... I'll open the door, she runs out, and by the time I turn around to lock the door, shes already sitting at the back bumper of my car. She also learned about when I'm going up the street to get the mail too.

But yeah, Holly LOVES car rides.

So let me go, I seem to be having issues in here, I hope I'm not catching the stomach bug part of what my gf and her sister have.

Is It Doody Or Doodies?

Eariler in the day I was contemplating what my next entry was going to be about, around the time I was cooking dinner for my gf and her sister, and was wondering if I should write about the "Inception" type dream I had, you know the whole dream within a dream ideal, that actually happens to me all to often, or discuss the age old adage, "Is it doody or dooDEES"?

The ago old adage won out.

A guy I used to work with, Matt, good guy, little slow on the uptake, or I shouldn't say that, he MAY have been a genius and just acted that way to get away with what he did. If thats the case, he DID have all of us fooled. Like I said, good guy, just frustrating to work with. Hung out with him a bunch of times, had loads of fun. Especially watching one of his friends fucking with the lamp by turning it on and off constantly.

Anyways, "Is it doody or dooDEES?" was one of Matt's sayings he repeated constantly, used to annoy most people, but, I always for some reason found it funny. I guess you can go back to the working on overnight for 10 years as a reason I lost a bit of my mind.

It's an interesting question when you really think about it. Like, if your going #2, and one huge baby arm type log comes out... obviously, thats doody, not the plural, doodees. But where it actually gets kind of confusing is, does it go from being doody to doodees if it comes OUT in one piece, but when it hits the bowl water, it splits apart. Or even if it STAYS in one piece thru the entire bowel movement process, but when you FLUSH, it breaks apart, was it a doody or doodees?

can a doody actually BE doody AND doodies in its lifespan?

Is doody in itself even a pluralized word? like moose or deer is?

I, in a strange way can understand why my former co-worker and friend Matt, repeatly asked himself and everyone else this question. Is there a solid answer to the age old question of weather it's doody or doodees? I don't believe that I have enough brain power to actually come up with a competent response to it. With so many variables, and what I'm sure would be differing opinions, I don't think well ever have an answer to all the gray areas about doody or doodees. So for now, I'll hope that when I push some out, that when I catch a glimpse of whats down below swimming under my bare buttcheeks when I got to wipe, remember, FRONT TO BACK PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY the ladies, don't really want to wipe crusty crumbs of whats left of your doody or doodees into your vagina, as you ladies don't have that protective ball sack wall us males have in case we DO forget to wipe front to back, will be EITHER a single doody, OR multiple of said doodee ALREADY. I'd hate to spend the rest of the day trying to deconstruct the mystery which is.... "Is It Doody or DooDEES?"

Is It Tuesday... Or Is It Threesday?

One of the biggest problems I have being out of work is that the days all kinda seem to blend together.

I'm pretty sure its Tuesday, but, I'm not 100% sure. Add in the fact my gf is home sick from work again, lets see if she actually listens to my suggestion about not filling her lungs with smoke while shes sick....I wonder if she took anything?.... it's also throwing me off quite a bit.

Being out of work sucks for me. I've only been out of work for one other extended period of time in my life. After seperating from the evil heartless drug chain, their CEO must be a mix of Mr. Burns from The Simpsons, The Grinch, if, you know, his black heart NEVER got all big, AND Ebenezzer Scrooge if after visiting with 4 ghosts, he basically said, Fuck It I'll keep being who I want to be, I was out of work from November 06 till April of 07.

On a side note, its funny how the 3 long term jobs I've had since i decided college wasn't my "thing", but decision their, ALL ended the 1st week of November.

But, when I left Black Hearted/Heartless Drug chain (different, yet the same) I took a month to decide what direction I wanted my life to go down. It than took 3 months to actually GET the job I applied for. I put my application in before christmas of 06, and didn't actually START the job till the 2nd week of April, and, this was after being TOLD I had the job.... which is fine, that is kinda how government works.

This is different tho. I moved out here with the expectation with my 10+ years retail management experience that I would AT LEAST pick up a job for the holidays, and, possibly parlay that into a regular working job so I could save up some cash and get my California drivers license and than apply for better jobs.

This didn't happen. So, as each day passes my original plan keeps getting pushed back further and further. See, out here, and I do fully understand why, it seems you need a California Drivers liscence to apply for jobs you drive a vehicle for a company. IE Time Warner cable installers, Water Companys, Government Jobs... In NY, that doesn't seem to be the case, as a dude I worked with at my last job, shitbreath, clearly had a Florida drivers license, yet was allowed to be a truck driver from where I worked.

In case your wondering, California has all sorts of crazy laws out here that pertain to DMV stuff. Sure GETTING a license isn't the problem, money wise... but California has some doomaas law that says if you transfer your liscence over from a different state, and you have a car registered in your name, you have 10 days to re register that car in California, OR sell it.

I don't have the "paper" right now to do that. Add onto that there is ANOTHER california law that says if a car is purchased within a certain time frame (mind you it doesn't say how long that time frame IS) from out of state, you have to pay the California sales tax on the purchase price, well, I don't have the 9% of original purchase price to drop on paying some stupid california fees, it brings me to the predicamite I am in now.

Hence why NOT being able to pick up a job for a few months to save that money is so stressful.

Everyone keeps telling me to be positive and optimistic... but when does it become time to STOP being positive and optimistic, and start becoming REALISTIC? I gave up so much to come out here and start a life with my gf, and it seems like nothing is going at all right since I got here. I try and ignore this on a daily basis, do what i need to do spending hours online in the morning looking for and applying for jobs online. I spent 3 days last week driving around asking places in person about jobs, to which i was told, do it online at 10 of the 12 places I went, and, it has been implied by people THATS why I'm not getting a job... to which after going to all those places it was like, they all just told me to apply and look at their online websites, all I have done NOW is, waste 3 full days of job hunting online, AND money in that I used up gas.

Ok I'm rambling on.....

Back on point, it's hard to know what day it is anymore when I don't have a routine going. I'm not the type of person to be lazy and be out of work, and it's killing me to be out of work. I enjoy being LAZY, but, I enjoy being productive, and not having a job makes me feel unproductive and useless. Add onto the fact that I'm ALSO not the type of person to ask for handouts and assistance, I can't bring myself to apply for government aid, there ARE actually people more needy than I, as a family member of someone who is handicapped, and having friends whose kids are, as well as being friends with people who are, my not having a job is a reason to apply for any of those government funded handouts. There are people WAY more needy than me that get their money thru government funding, and, I wouldn't want any money I got to take away from them and make THEM suffer. Guess I'm just glad I have a roof over my head at this point.

IDK. Anyways, better get off the pot, because I don't gotta shit no more.