Monday, January 24, 2011

A New Day... A New Idea...

So, I was hopped up on nyquill in the wee hours of last night, or more likely, the wee hours of the morning, and I had this idea to write while I was dropping deuces. Exclusivly. Now, while this may not be a pleasent thought to some, I sometimes have a weak stomach, and, usually I'm in there on my stupidphone reading ESPN or wikiing things I'd like to know more about, or using a nail clipper to trim the excess skin off my thumbs, which, is one of my habits, I pick and rip the skin off my thumbs.

But, I'm an aspiring... "writer", notice the quotes because I can't bring myself to call myself that in a serious manner, and, what better way to write than when I'm engaged in a battle with my colon?

I came to the conclusion of this being a good idea because, well, I moved to Southern California about 2 months ago, 2nd week of November, and things have not gone the way I had expected. I look everyday online for jobs. I apply everyday for jobs. I have yet to hear about a job yet. It's been 2 months, and, no one seems to want to hire me for anything, from retail store management, to retail cashiering, to jobs like glass repair, working at Auto Club and Irwindale Speedways, to looking for, and failing to find away to apply to work a labor type job on a movie/tv set. I need something to keep myself "active" and something to keep my brain "stimulated".

On a side note, my girlfriends dog holly, who was sitting next to me on the couch while I was writing this, got tired of my typing, took one look at me, hopped off the couch, and proceeded to go into the next room. I guess she can smell the epic fail eminating from the laptop and decided, well, fuck this. But thats a-ok. Holly is cool.

Which brings me to the obvious, I'm STARTING this, the set up, the 1st entry, NOT on the porcelain throne. I'm pretty computer savvy with somethings, but I know that I couldn't get this started in the time I'd be in the bathroom for one round. So I guess you could say I'm cheating with this first post, but this really isn't a first post, more of a prologue.

I hope to post everytime I'm dropping a deuce, so, I would assume thats where the "Ewww gross" part will become a factor. Because whenever you read this, it's assured that I'm typing... while on the toilet. But than if it wasn't the case, the "Porcelain Throne Chronicales" wouldn't make ANY sense now would it?

I'm kind of one of those people who starts something like this and doesn't ever seem to keep up with it, but, I guess thats the optimist in me winning out, cause here I am yet AGAIN, starting to write something, knowing about how my past has been.

Anyways, I hope everyone will enjoy the ride, no matter how short or how long it will be.

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