Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Another "Contrary To Popular Belief" Entry

My mom always used to say to me when I was down, I should shave. Cause usually when I get down, I tend to not bother shaving. IDK why this is, it just is...

But, whenever my mom would be all seeing me upset and such, that would be her suggestion.

One thing I learned way too late in life was that everything your parents EVER told you when you were younger was right, I think this is the only exception that I have found over the years.

Shaving doesn't make me feel better. What it DOES do tho, is make me "COOLER", as fat people like me get hot fast.

Case in point is my gf, and the fact shes really thin. You know how you can tell this ain't no lie? My gf is in her bedroom right now, under THREE blankets. These are NOT "THIN" Blankets mind you... shes under a HEAVY ASS comforter type blanket, a REALLY REALLY Heavy type knit/fuzzy thing, and when I say HEAVY, dude, the blanket weighs like 15 pounds, AND shes under the Purple type thinner knit blanket I usually use. At this point in time when I go back into her bedroom to go to sleep, if thats in fact what I do, since, I'm still awake from stress, and I DVR'd Stephen King's Thinner the other night, so I might go watch THAT, but when I get back in there, I'll be sleeping under NO blankets. This is how fat I am, that I'm still hot and its like 50 degrees outside right now. It was 70 last night.

So, yeah, I'm fat. But, shaving DOES make me "COOLER", so its an argueable point than I guess that my mom IS right in that I'm still depressed, but at least I'm not as hot as I was an hour ago.

My gf has asked me to recall the security place tomorrow since the address I gave to the location of the building was WRONG, and she thinks that since none of the security guards at the building I am trying to get a job, don't actually HAVE guns, that she thinks by me screwing up the location, they think I want to work at a BANK, not so much an office building.

I tend to think its a company wide requirement, but, whatever, I'm not the type whose gonna argue about something like this when its real easy for me to make another phone call to ask.

I've also started playing games on the computer, you know, the games that COME with the PC? I started playing Hearts. After a few games I renamed the players from "East", "West", and "North" to Asshole Cheat, Fukstain Cheat, and Douchebag Cheat... Why you ask? well cause it seems like EVERY HAND they stick me with the Queen of Spades... EXCEPT when I'm trying to shoot the moon. I find this to be cheating cause it seems to me when I play that the 3 computer players are playing 3 against 1, and NEVER for themselves. Like, the ONLY TIME one of the computer players gets STUCK with teh queen of spades is when I can actually give it to them, OR, when I CAN shoot them moon.

Its a load of bullshit if you ask me, yet, I play and play and play cause its so frustrating to KNOW how to play this game, yet ALWAYS somehow get screwed.

Anyways, hopefully it won't rain tomorrow. Taking Holly for a walk is the best part of my day out here. Each day i EAT and DON'T at least walk the mile or so with Holly, is me GAINING more weight and getting FATTER. Thank god for Diet Dr. K. If it didn't taste as good as it did, I can just imagine how much fatter I'd be from drinking regular soda.

OH, I'll leave with this note... watched the final 2 days of the Man Vs Machine Jeopardy game... Watson won, but, the highlights for me were how when he got a Daily Double he choose weird random amounts of money to bet, AND how Ken Jennings directly quoted the Simpsons with his 2nd day Final Jeopardy response.... that guy is cool as fuck. I felt bad for him and Brad tho, those 2 guys looked really kinda pissed that they CLEARLY knew the answers, but somehow Watson was buzzing in before them. But Ken Jennings quoting the simpsons was fucking amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, dude, you really need to get a job ASAP. This boredom will kill your brain.
