Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ugh, I Need A Shower

Man I SMELL like azz. I need to shave and shower, but, I'm getting to the "What's the point of it all?" state of mind fast, so... I mean, what's the point of it all?

I just realized today, I have YET to do a wash since I moved out here. Ill be here 3 months next week. Don't really know what that says but, its a fact. Don't really NEED to... not out of clean clothes yet... yeah... I've gotten to do THAT little since I've been here.

Santa Ana winds are blowing up a storm tonight. It's actually pretty relaxing with the window opening listening to them.

Had some leftovers for lunch. Plus I made some more mini hot dogs. Not too much left in the way of leftovers from sunday. Might have some more after I finish in here. Trying to decide weather or not I should take a shower tonight, later, or tomorrow, or even THAN.

Maybe I'll chance having some iced cream too tonight. I kinda wish it was tomorrow cause than tomorrow I'd be taking that Jeopardy dealie. But I'll have to wait till tomorrow before I can say, Yay, tomorrow I'm taking that Jeopardy test.

I think I'll go get the mail after I'm done in here. My mom and dad told me last saturday that they were mailing me some stuff sometime soon. I'm looking forward to that. Maybe my parents found me more Boo Berry cereal!! I DO Still have 3 boxes left. I need to stretch them out till October when places liek Target stock it for 2 weeks and I can restock. I want to make Boo Berry treats again. they were tasty!

I enjoy cooking. If I win alot of money in the Lottery I think I'll open a resteraunt and cook good food for people. I can do something like In-n-Out and All American Burger do. Start with a limited menu. But when I start to cook something that turns out good add it as I go along. Start a website that people can visit while they are waiting for their food and take suggestions about stuff to prepare!!! Than decide weather or not I can prepare it well enough to sell. It could be fun, I could get my mom and dad to come help once my dad retires, force my GF to work as the hot hostess that dudes gawk at and keep coming BACK to gawk at... and force friends and family to work there when they visit or just u know, force them to work there LOL.

Oh man, being backed up is filling my head with all sorts of CRAZY ideas.... I'd say it never hurts to dream.... but it does

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