Thursday, February 3, 2011

Back In To Finish Things Off.... For The Time Being...

Heres a quick thought, something I don't understand, and can't seem to make heads or tails of.

I'm living with my gf and her sister for the time being out here in Cali. They were awesome enough to understand the whole scenrio about me moving out here, the reasons, etc, etc, so, this is where I am at.

Obviously, I'm sharing a room with my gf. Her sister has the master bedroom, so, her room has its own big bathroom and a wet room, which is kinda awesome. So, the upstairs where the rooms are, my gf and I have the second bathroom thats upstairs. I hope the aesthetics are understandable. Basically cause her sister has a bathroom in her room, the second bathroom on the floor is my gfs? IDK, anyways, my gf is one of those women who has mad tubes and bottles and such laying around. It's actually quite humerous.

But on the sink there is alot of beauty products and such.

If your a woman, you will fully understand this I'll assume, and prolly get a chuckle out of it, if your a man living with a woman, you too will also understand this scenerio and prolly think, yeah i baarely have any room for my stuff.... which isn't a prob here cause I do everything in the shower, and if your a single dude, meaning, no regular GF, not married, not engaged, just a single dude, be it, single NOT getting laid, OR, single and getting MAD laid.... you, chances are won't get the comedy here.... best suggestion I can give you? Next time your on a date and she brings you back to HER place.... go take a piss, or wash your hands, or whatever, find an excuse to use the bathroom, and, just take a look around, and you WILL get it... well, unless of course, shes got more than one bathroom, and, there is a GUEST bathroom, and the master suite bathroom, which in that case, if you get laid, before you leave, take a look in the master bathroom.... you may enjoy the comedy of this than.

ANYWAYS, my gf does do something that I just don't get. She seems to ALWAYS put her toothbrush down on the ONE part of the sink it SHOULDN'T be....

Now, while I write this next passage about my gfs toothbrush, think about all the varibles I just talked about above, and try and guess what I mean when I say, the ONE part of the sink a toothbrush SHOULDN'T be....

My gf has one of those electric toothbrush dealies. Like, ok, not ELECTRIC, but battery operated... I think its an Oral-B (as opposed to an Oral-A, which, you would think would be a better choice for a name, since, well, Oral-B suggests SECOND best, as in school and like while grading meats, A is better than B, so, why its Oral-B INSTEAD of Oral-A, I don't really know at the moment, that might be something I could Wiki in the future, which, on even a further side note, my wiki'ing is going downhill cause of this blog since THATS what I used to do while sitting here, but anyways...) But, I believe its an Oral-B, you know, one of those dealies where its 2 brushes in one, the top is like a circle, that moves in a circular motion when on, and, the botton in a square or rectangle and moves up and down when turned on? So, when she put it on the sink, its NOT laying down, its standing up.

Ok, so, back to what I was saying, and, I'm sure you have ample time to try and figure out where the ONE place on the sink counter a toothbrush SHOULDN'T be....



Which means, when I'm done with my business here, well here is the chain of events....

I take the laptop off my lap, and place it not on the floor, but, on top of some of the laundry on the floor so that way in case my feeble mind forgets that its ON the floor and I step back and onto it, maybe having some cushion underneath MIGHT help it, but I lean forward, I place the laptop down, than I do my clean up work underneath... you would think with my expertise in this area, the federal government would have NO problem hiring me, since I do such a good job cleaning up, making sure to get in the crack to make sure its spotless.... I than proceed to stand up, pull my pants or shorts or whatever up, turn, go to get some HAND SOAP to wash my now "Dirty" hands.... but WAIT.... I can't obtain any hand soap... because, to GET to the hand soap, I now have to find a way (a very good song by the band Smoosh BTW, but thats neither here nor there) to move my gf's toothbrush, that she puts in her mouth, WITHOUT touching it with my micro fecal matter covered hands.....

And each time, its an interesting puzzle to be solved....

Now, I know what some of your may be thinking here, if she needs to put it where she puts it, lay it down with the brush side up so its not on the dirty sink....

While THAT seems like a fabulous idea.... what happens if the brush winds up under the spout of the hand soap (oh, of which we have TWO things of hand soap in the bathrooth BTW... which, is a story for another day) so NOW, theres a chance there will be hand soap on my gfs toothbrush the next time she goes to use it, because, as EVERYONE knows, hand soap ALWAYS leaks from those things....

But, how do I go about this now? I NEED to wash my hands, cause, clearly like you can tell, I have NOT touched the laptop with fecal matter covered hands.... ALSO, I honestly have an aversion to touching bathroom doors with my hands, because, well, people, honestly, how many times have you gone to the bathroom and NOT washed your hands afterwards, yet proceeded to walk out and touch a door handle.... and even if YOU haven't, think about the amount of times it has happened PREVIOUS to you using a public restroom... a good example of this? A bathroom POST-game at a sporting event when the lines are out the door.... your in a rush and you piss, and public restrooms, I always use paper towels to open the door after I wash cause of this....

SO.... touching the door to get out and wash my hands in a different bathroom, IE the kitchen sink, is NOT an option...

LEAVING THE DOOR OPEN... is not an option EITHER, because in addition to Holly being in the house (not that she would come in the bathroom, cause she won't) my gf's sister has a dog as well, but this dog is stupid. If you leave the bathroom door open, the dog will come in and nuzzle you while you are taking a shit, and, I'd rather not have a dog nuzzling me while I'm taking a shit... while it seems that alot of dogs LIKE shoving their noses in assing that are shitting, WHILE they are shitting, or immediately POST shitting, yeah, this isn't an option EITHER....

So, we're now back to the problem, how than in fact do I wash my hands, and the ORIGINAL question and non understandability of why my gf proceeds to stand her toothbrush up in front of the hand soap dispenser in the first place?!?!?!

Most times, I use my elbow and push the brush over onto the sink AWAY from where the soap dispenser is, but than, I feel bad that it hits the sink top, and I spend 5 minutes washing it, which, when your busying bumming around the house without a job, dude, those 5 minutes are FUCKING PRECIOUS, well, ok, TECHNICALLY those 5 minutes arent "fucking" the actress from the movie Precious, but, I think you caught my original meaning here, other times, I unroll some TP and grab it and move it with THAT, but, than, I'm wasting resources that in my current jobless position is dire to saving, since I don't have the 70 cents to go buy another roll.... I'd than wind up like one of those bums, except when I was walking around looking for deposit cans, instead of going and buying a 40 of Night Train or Olde E, or my FAV... Crazy Horse, or even some Georgi Vodka, I'd be the weirdo telling the cashier at Ralph's...

"dude, I walked around ALL FUCKING DAY for the deposits to get enough money to buy toilet paper to wipe my ass, cause I had to use the last of the previous roll to move my gfs toothbrush, because she ALWAYS places it RIGHT in front of the fucking hand soap dispenser!!!!"

So, as if you didn't think that the bathroom and emptying out WASN'T an adventure, most days, for me, it IS an adventure in here.

What to do about the toothbrush situation? I don't rightly know. I moved it before when I was in here, since, you know, it WAS in front of the hand soap dispenser, so, it won't be an issue AGAIN, but, what about tomorrow morning when I come in here for my morning glory?!?!?!

Yeah yeah yeah... I ALREADY know what you smart asses are thinking... why don't you just ask your gf to NOT put it in front of the hand soap dispenser, I have. Which leads me to think, maybe she put it there on purpose, and, while shes at work, gets a good fat laugh out of my puzzlement in the bathroom, knowing that I forget about shit like that UNTIL I see it sitting there.... and then I get all flustered about what am I gonna do?!?!?! AHHHH?!?!?

Well, if I start to believe that IS in fact the case.... maybe I'll start using her toothbrush to make EXTRA sure my butthole is clean..... HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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